Offensive assessments to protect your most sensitive data and assets
Organizations must understand whether security efforts and controls are sufficient to protect their most valuable assets. Undergoing a real-life attack scenario on how an organization could be compromised can help to test preventative and detective controls, but also an authentic response to a persistent attacker. By engaging Partners First Red Team, your organization can begin to understand how well you will fare in the face of an all-out, no-holds-barred attack.
The Red Team assessment closely mirrors how a persistent attacker would target sensitive assets and data through several key steps:
1. At the beginning of the engagement, Partners First will talk with you about the assets you are most worried about being compromised, which are the very assets attackers would most likely seek.
2. Partners First then carries our red teaming methodology using only information that can be gleaned from publicly available resources to carry out our attacks.
3. If successful at gaining an initial foothold into your organization, Partners First will attempt to laterally move through the internal network until the targeted assets are compromised.
Because it is the most in-depth, comprehensive offensive test, the Red Team service is a good fit for organizations with a mature, robust security program. The Red Team is also a perfect assessment for organizations looking to test their incident response capabilities.
Partners First Red Team assessment differs from other offensive engagements. It is not limited by scope; it is conducted over a longer time frame; and it exploits attack vectors in multiple security domains, as a real attacker would. By helping you identify exposures, our Red Team assessment helps your organization know how protected your most sensitive data really is.